Rules and Regulations of the KGL Contest English Olympiad
KGL Contest English Olympiad: Rules and Regulations
By registering for the KGL Contest, candidates, parents/guardians, and schools confirm their acceptance of these rules, designed to ensure a fair and enjoyable competition for all participants. Please ensure you meet all requirements before registering.
Eligibility and Entry Conditions
1.1. All contestants must adhere to the contest rules. By allowing their children to participate, parents and guardians are deemed to have accepted these terms.
1.2. The contest is open to participants up to the age of 17 who are learning English as a foreign language. Native English speakers and candidates already certified at their intended level are not eligible. International schools where English is the primary language of instruction are also ineligible.
Eligibility Based on Current Level
2.1. Candidates must register based on their current English proficiency level, not their age. Age limits are guidelines that reflect the varied learning environments around the world, and do not dictate eligibility for a specific level.
2.2. Candidates should select their level according to their proficiency, and it is highly recommended to use KGL’s online Practice Tests, available from your KGL country partner, for accurate self-assessment.
Who Can Enter
3.1. Candidates must enter at their eligible level, which is based on proficiency rather than age. Age limits are used only as the maximum guideline for each level.
Candidates who did not advance to Stage 2 in the previous contest may re-register for the same level in the next contest. For more details, refer to the ‘Who Can Take Part’.
3.2. Candidates entering an incorrect level will not be eligible to participate as finalists in the Global Event.
A1 Senior
4.1. In countries offering A1 Senior, candidates must choose either A1 or A1 Senior, and cannot compete in both.
4.2. A1 Senior candidates must meet all the specific requirements of this level to participate.
Consistency of Competing Level
5.1. Candidates compete at the level they initially registered for throughout all stages of the contest.
The Contest
6.1. Entries must be submitted according to the procedures provided by each KGL Country Partner.
6.2. Late entries cannot be accepted.
6.3. Stage 1 answer sheets are electronically marked, and no additional feedback on marks is provided.
6.4. Individual performance reports are available for a 35€ administration fee, and requests must be made through your KGL Country Partner.
6.5. The writing task is only marked by trained assessors in the case of tied scores or high-performing contestants.
6.6. Written tasks must align with the contestant’s entered level. Scripts that do not meet this requirement will not be scored.
6.7. Stage 1 results are released approximately three weeks after the test, while Stage 2 rankings are published about one month following Stage 2. No detailed score breakdown is available for Stage 2, and all candidates receive a Certificate.
6.8. In the event of a tie, the youngest candidate will be awarded the higher place. This rule applies to both Stage 2 and the Global Event Final Test.
Publication and Amendments
7.1. By participating, contestants and/or their parents/guardians give permission for the publication of winners’ names and any relevant photographs taken during the Global Event.
7.2. KGL reserves the right to amend or cancel the contest at any time without prior notice. In the event of cancellation, any fees paid will be reimbursed via the KGL Country Partner.
Global Event
8.1. Finalists and accompanying individuals must confirm their attendance at the Global Event by the May 2024 deadline. Travel arrangements and visa confirmations (where applicable) must be completed by the first Monday in September at 12:00 noon GMT.
8.2. Contestants requiring visas must ensure their visas are issued by the September deadline in order to participate in the Global Event.
8.3. The final Global Event list of participants will be confirmed after the September deadline. No changes or additions are permitted after this date.
8.4. Contestants will be accommodated in shared rooms based on gender, age, and English proficiency. Teachers share twin rooms. Breakfast and dinner are included.
8.5. Only teachers, school representatives, and KGL Country Partners may accompany finalists to the Global Event. If a third party accompanies a contestant, the contestant will forfeit the right to participate in the Final Test but may still attend other activities.
8.6. Schools with fewer than 10 total entries for Stage 1 are not eligible to send a representative to the Global Event, even if they have a finalist in Stage 2.
8.7. There is no Global Event category for Pre-A1 finalists, who instead receive local prizes.
8.8. Monetary prizes for Global Winners will be sent to the KGL Country Partner within 14 days following the Global Finals.
Decisions of ITA-KGL
9.1. Candidates failing to comply with the contest rules may be disqualified at any stage of the competition.
9.2. All decisions made by KGL regarding the competition are final, and no correspondence can be entered into regarding these decisions.